1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Surgical Department

Lectures - 4th year


26.4. 9.00 - 10,30   Brain and spine injury 

         11,00 -12.30  Burns


3.5.  9.00 - 10,30   Injury of the upper extremities 

        11,00 -12.30  Injury of the lower extremities


10.5.  9.00 - 10,30   Abdominal wall surgery and surgery of the spleen 

          11,00 -12.30  Gastric surgery. GI bleeding 


17.5.  9.00 - 10,30   Principles of abdominal surgery 

          11,00 -12.30  Lung surgery and surgery of mediastinum


24.5.  9.00 - 10,30   Acute abdomen

          11,00 -12.30  Cholelithiasis and Pancreatitis acute


31.5. 9.00 - 10,30   Anorectal diseases 

         11,00 -12.30  Shock



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